Content from Maluh Bastos - From Klever News
In charge of some of Klever's most anticipated launches, this calm and confident Brazilian doesn't back down from a challenge
When we have big projects in our hands, it’s usual to feel nervous or overwhelmed with the challenge. But now you are going to meet a person who is not only unafraid of challenges but also does it with calmness and confidence.
Meet our Product Manager for Klever Exchange and Head of NFT for Klever, Felipe Rieger: a very cool Brazilian guy who is juggling the launch of Klever Exchange with the new project for NFTs to the upcoming versions of the Klever ecosystem.
And as if that weren't enough, during these hectic days he had one more job to perform: answer my questions. Guess what? Rieger did it like he always handles the other missions he’s in charge of: with a great deal of good manners, empathy and eagerness to help me to fulfill my mission.
A great guy with great answers.
1) So much to do, so many challenges. First of all, how are you managing those two great projects of Klever: the Exchange and the NFT implementation (yet to be released in Klever 5)?
Rieger: Yes, what a moment to be alive!
Working in these two amazing projects with this awesome team is incredible, inspiring and enlightening. Klever Exchange is a big dream come true for all of us and the project is just in the beginning.
I manage the two projects as one, as the NFT Marketplace will have support and be connected to our Web Exchange (later iOS and Android). The Klever 5 will also have NFT support, enabling our users to securely store NFTs from different blockchains in our wallet.
2) Let's start with Klever Exchange. What was the first thought that came to your mind when you got into that project? The first statement or challenge you wanted to resolve?
R: This is the most exciting project I ever joined.
My relationship with the founding Klever team started a long time ago, and since then I've never seen a better team. The Klever community is also very unique in the crypto space, passionate and loves what we do. So, I had to unify those two variants in a scope to create and deliver the best product we can.
The first challenge was to create a product that people love and is ready to scale globally really fast.
In that perspective we started doing something different from others and ambitious: going full native and using 100% of our own proprietary technology.
Most users don't understand this yet, but in the long run, this will distinguish us from others in terms of scalability and reliability, making it easier to scale.
3) In our previous articles, you already said the Klever Ex was designed for all users but especially for beginners. Why is it important for you to bring new traders closer?
R: Trading is for everyone.
In my opinion, we need to take off the concept that trading is so difficult and make it easy and accessible for everyone.
This industry has grown so much in the last few years, and is going so mainstream right now. We expect to receive new users that want to explore this new world, not only from the traditional trading space, but from other industries that are exploring the crypto market, like the gaming industry, sports, and so on.
Some great new features will be available to beginners soon, like the Klever Trades - a simple but powerful tool to facilitate a smart trading experience.
4) The works of an Exchange seems more difficult to understand than a wallet's. Is it really more difficult? In your opinion, why are Exchanges so hard for people to understand their full function?
R: In my opinion, the first thing you see or hear when you start learning about crypto is about exchanges.
Most of the searches you make on the internet and the content available is about exchanges, but their functionalities are quite hard to understand at first time.
I think that most of the users find the order book and charts something not so easy to understand. We created a simple exchange environment, to make it easy for beginners and don’t distract them.
Klever started as a wallet, and the Swap feature brought the product to a new level, with a simple solution to exchange coins.
People usually don’t understand, but Swap was the first inception from Klever Exchange.
We want to keep it simple and user friendly like Klever Wallet Swap. What about having those features from Wallet also on Exchange? Let’s see…
5) How did the Exchange team approach this challenge and what were the main solutions put into the Klever Exchange?
R: Our team is full of talented and amazing people from all over the world that have the passion for technology and crypto in their DNA. We also are always connected with our community and trying to understand and ship the products they want.
The main solution we wanted to deliver first is a full native, simple, reliable and scalable Exchange for Web, iOS and Android.
The roadmap of features and exchanges launches are really exciting, the next months will be awesome. We have NFTs right on the corner, and many other special surprises for our community.
6) Now, talking about NFTs: we can say it's already a global hit. Why do you think the concept of NFTs is so successful in this day and age?
R: The concept of digital property is a game changing, and I really believe that NFTs are the Web 3.0 and what is happening right now is just 1% of all the impact it will have in the world.
There are so many examples: a lot of industries are becoming obsolete without NFTs, like having a flight ticket bought with an agency and trying to change with cross platforms. Or trying to find if an event ticket is not fake, owning rights to the music of your favorite artist and earning money with the track's success.
Documents, files, and anything that has to be public should be a NFT to facilitate, minimize costs and avoid many problems.
I think that NFTs real bull run still hasn't started yet, there is a lot to come, we are taking baby steps.
7) How can we explain the gaming phenomenon with NFTs? Can you explain briefly the 'play to earn' mode and how it is becoming life-changing for many people?
R: The time of owning part of the game and being really connected with it has come.
For years, the gaming industry has monetized alone and created a model that is centralized and proprietary.
With the amazing growth of the crypto gaming industry and NFTs, we won’t see this full centralized model anymore. The players have been listened to, and now you can own characters of the game thanks to decentralization.
Your character can have a value increase with your gaming skills or because of its rarity, for example. Instead of virtual points, now you can receive valuable tokens when you play the game.
Decentralization is changing this industry, we are just in the beginning. I’m really excited and honored to see and work with this new incredible cycle.
8) How will the NFTs be incorporated into the Klever's ecosystem in a practical way? And what do you think is the main challenge for its incorporation?
R: We will have a NFT marketplace inside our Web Exchange in the coming months.
We also plan to extend this marketplace to our iOS and Android Apps later.
In our marketplace will be possible to sell and buy NFTs in 3 ways:
- Closed bid. When the NFT seller sets a closed price and who pays for it first it’s the new owner of the NFT.
- Date start and date end Bid. When the NFT seller sets a date and hour and minimum Bid for start with a date and hour to finish. The biggest Bid until the date finishes is the new owner of the NFT.
- Unlimited Bid. When the NFT seller receives an unlimited number of bids for the NFT and has the power to decide which one will be the winner by himself.
The main challenge, I believe, is to educate users to understand the concept, create a platform with multi blockchains support and use our swap engine to coordinate the payments for users in the checkout with so many coins - we want to be different in this aspect. Also, to select and attract the best projects in the NFT space to our marketplace.
9) What do you expect for Klever once the NFT project is released? What will it bring to Klever in terms of project value?
R: I think that NFTs are showing its huge potential and market interest with the Devikins game.
Klever Exchange will grow to new markets with NFTs support.
It’s a new kind of user, the market is growing and attracting new types of interest and industries. I see an awesome road for Klever Exchange with the support for arts NFTs, sports NFTs, gaming NFTs, and so on. What about the Klever Blockchain support for NFTs? You never know.
10) Once those projects are online and going, what do you wish for your departments in the future?
R: Klever Exchange has a big roadmap for the coming months and years.
We are always listening to what our great community is saying and we love to learn from them as well.
For now, my main focus is to deliver a fully native platform for iOS, Android and Web that is reliable, scalable and simple. To really deliver what we are saying for months: trading is for anyone.
Our roadmap of features and launches is exciting and we want to always keep our products growing and make an impact in the crypto space.
The next few months will be great for Klever Exchange!
Maluh Bastos
Editor & Writer